yooo whats up its ya boy Bolky
so today i'm gonna tell you about my best and worst experience in one story
the story take place when i'm still in 4th grade elementary school if i remember it correctly .
that time on Saturday me, my cousin, and my best friend are going to swimming in a public pool that taking place about 3 km away from our house's. we choose to walk rather than take a public transportation because its cheapest and we count it as a warm up before take a swim.
as soon as we get there we rent a locker to put our bag and stuff then we immediately get in to the water. my cousin and my best friend swimming in a shallow water because they not very good at swimming.on the other hand I took swimming lessons when I was in 3rd grade so I knew some basics at swimming.some time later my cousin invited my friend to go to a deeper place. my friend held on to my cousin's back while my cousin held on to the edge of the pool. when they were in the 2 meter deep area, there was a child using a float past them and accidentally pushing my cousin. when my cousin's grip was released, my friend panicked and dragged them to the bottom of the pool.
luckily I was swimming in the area and saw them both drowning. At first I thought they were joking. When I approached them, I saw my cousin suffocating by my friends' feet because he was panicking. so I pushed my friend from behind to release his grip from my cousin and take him to the edge of the pool (because i think if i pull him from the front he can grab me and pull the 3 of us to the bottom of the pool) and back to help my cousin. after that we went rest for a while taking our energy back and when back to home.
the end.
so why is that my best experience ? because I can save the life of my cousin and friend. and why it's the worst ? because i almost lost my cousin and my friend's life
Selasa, 09 Juli 2019
Senin, 08 Juli 2019
1. The teacher made Alex leave the room
Answer : leave
Reason : because subject + make (any tense) + complement + [verb in simple form]
2. Megan got Marvin to type by a mechanic
Answer : to type
Reason : because subject + get (any tense) + complement (usually person) + [verb in infinitive]
3. We got our house to paint last week
Answer : to paint
Reason : because subject + get (any tense) + complement (usually person) + [verb in infinitive]
4. Dylan got his transcripts to send to the university
Answer : to send
Reason : because subject + get (any tense) + complement (usually person) + [verb in infinitive]
5. Selena is getting her hair to cut tomorrow.
Answer : leave
Reason : because subject + make (any tense) + complement + [verb in simple form]
2. Megan got Marvin to type by a mechanic
Answer : to type
Reason : because subject + get (any tense) + complement (usually person) + [verb in infinitive]
3. We got our house to paint last week
Answer : to paint
Reason : because subject + get (any tense) + complement (usually person) + [verb in infinitive]
4. Dylan got his transcripts to send to the university
Answer : to send
Reason : because subject + get (any tense) + complement (usually person) + [verb in infinitive]
5. Selena is getting her hair to cut tomorrow.
Jumat, 28 Juni 2019
Jenis-jenis Profesi di Bidang IT beserta Job Desc-nya
1. Systems Analysts
Job Descriptions:
1. Memperluas atau memodifikasi sistem untuk melayani tujuan baru atau meningkatkan alur kerja.
2. Menguji, memelihara, dan memantau program komputer dan sistem, termasuk koordinasi instalasi program komputer dan sistem.
3. Mengembangkan, dokumen dan merevisi prosedur desain sistem, prosedur pengujian, dan standar kualitas.
4. Menyediakan staf dan pengguna dengan membantu memecahkan masalah komputer terkait, seperti malfungsi dan masalah program.
5. Meninjau dan menganalisa hasil print-out komputer dan indikator kinerja untuk menemukan masalah kode, dan memperbaiki eror dengan mengkoreksi kode.
6. Berkonsultasi dengan manajemen untuk memastikan kesepakatan pada prinsip-prinsip sistem.
7. Berunding dengan klien mengenai jenis pengolahan informasi atau perhitungan kebutuhan program komputer.
8. membaca manual, berkala, dan mereport secar teknis untuk belajar bagaimana mengembangkan program yang memenuhi kebutuhan staf dan pengguna.
9. Mengkoordinasikan dan menghubungkan sistem komputer dalam sebuah organisasi untuk meningkatkan kompatibilitas dan sehingga informasi bisa dibagi.
10. Menentukan software atau hardware komputer yang diperlukan untuk mengatur atau mengubah sistem.
2. Database Administrators
Job Descriptions:
1. Menguji program atau database, memperbaiki kesalahan dan membuat modifikasi yang diperlukan.
2. Memodifikasi database dan sistem manajemen database yang ada.
3. Merencanakan, mengkoordinasikan dan melaksanakan langkah-langkah keamanan untuk melindungi informasi dalam file komputer terhadap kerusakan, pemodifikasian atau akses yang tidak sah.
4. Bekerja sebagai bagian dari tim proyek untuk mengkoordinasikan pengembangan database dan menentukan lingkup proyek dan keterbatasan.
5. Menulis dan mengkode deskripsi database secara fisik dan logis dan menentukan pengidentifikasi dari database untuk sistem manajemen atau orang lain secara langsung dalam pengkodean deskripsi.
6. Melatih user dan menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan.
7. Menentukan pengguna dan tingkat akses pengguna untuk setiap segmen dari database.
8. Menyetujui, menjadwal, merencanakan, dan mengawasi pemasangan dan uji coba produk baru dan perbaikan sistem komputer seperti instalasi database baru.
9. Meninjau permintaan proyek, menggambarkan database user untuk memperkirakan waktu dan biaya yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan proyek.
10. Mengembangkan standar dan pedoman untuk membimbing penggunaan dan perolehan perangkat lunak dan untuk melindungi informasi yang rentan.
3. Network Systems and Data Communications Analysts
Job Descriptions:
1. Menguji dan mengevaluasi hardware dan software untuk menentukan efisiensi, reliabilitas, dan kompatibilitas dengan sistem yang ada, dan membuat rekomendasi pembelian.
2. Desain dan implementasi sistem, konfigurasi jaringan, dan arsitektur jaringan, termasuk teknologi perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak, lokasi situs, dan integrasi teknologi.
3. Membantu pengguna untuk mendiagnosa dan memecahkan masalah komunikasi data.
4. Memantau kinerja sistem dan menyediakan langkah-langkah keamanan, tips dan pemeliharaan yang diperlukan.
5. Menjaga dibutuhkan file dengan menambahkan dan menghapus file pada server jaringan dan membuat cadangan file untuk menjamin keselamatan file apabila terjadi masalah dengan jaringan.
6. Bekerja dengan engineer lain, analis sistem, programer, teknisi, ilmuwan dan manajer tingkat atas dalam pengujian, desain dan evaluasi sistem.
7. Mengidentifikasi area operasi yang perlu diupgrade peralatan seperti modem, kabel serat optik, dan kabel telepon.
8. Konsultasi pelanggan, kunjungi tempat kerja atau melakukan survei untuk menentukan kebutuhan pengguna sekarang dan masa depan.
9. Melatih pengguna dalam menggunakan peralatan.
10. Memelihara perangkat seperti printer, yang terhubung ke jaringan.
4. Computer Programmers
Job Descriptions:
1. Memperbaiki kesalahan dengan membuat perubahan yang sesuai dan memeriksa kembali program untuk memastikan bahwa hasil yang diinginkan yang dihasilkan.
2. Melakukan percobaan menjalankan program dan aplikasi software untuk memastikan bahwa mereka akan menghasilkan informasi yang dikehendaki dan bahwa instruksi sudah benar.
3. Menulis, mengupdate, dan memelihara program komputer atau paket perangkat lunak untuk menangani pekerjaan tertentu seperti pelacakan inventaris, menyimpan atau mengambil data, atau mengontrol peralatan lainnya.
4. Menganalisis, meninjau, dan menulis ulang program, menggunakan grafik dan diagram alur kerja, dan menerapkan pengetahuan tentang kemampuan komputer, materi pelajaran, dan logika simbolik.
5. Melakukan atau revisi langsung, perbaikan, atau perluasan program yang ada untuk meningkatkan efisiensi operasi atau beradaptasi dengan persyaratan baru.
6. Berkonsultasi dengan manajerial, teknik, dan tenaga teknis untuk memperjelas maksud program, mengidentifikasi masalah, dan menyarankan perubahan.
7. Melakukan analisis sistem dan pemrograman tugas untuk memelihara dan mengontrol penggunaan perangkat lunak komputer sistem sebagai programmer sistem.
8. Menyusun dan menulis dokumentasi pengembangan program dan revisi berikutnya, memasukkan komentar dalam kode instruksi sehingga orang lain dapat memahami program ini.
9. Penyiapan diagram alur kerja rinci dan diagram yang menggambarkan input, output, dan operasi logis, dan mengubahnya menjadi serangkaian instruksi dikodekan dalam bahasa komputer.
10. Berkonsultasi dengan dan membantu operator komputer atau analis sistem untuk mendefinisikan dan menyelesaikan masalah dalam menjalankan program-program komputer.
5. Web Developers
Job Descriptions:
1. Mendesain, membangun, atau memelihara situs web, menggunakan authoring atau bahasa scripting, alat penciptaan konten, alat manajemen, dan media digital.
2. Meakukan atau update situs web langsung.
3. Menulis, desain, atau mengedit konten halaman web, atau yang lain langsung memproduksi konten.
4. Berunding dengan tim manajemen atau pengembangan untuk memprioritaskan kebutuhan, menyelesaikan konflik, mengembangkan kriteria konten, atau memilih solusi.
5. Back-up file dari situs web untuk direktori lokal untuk pemulihan instan dalam kasus masalah.
6. Mengidentifikasi masalah yang ditemukan oleh umpan balik pengujian atau pelanggan, dan memperbaiki masalah masalah atau merujuk pada personalia yang tepat untuk koreksi.
7. Evaluasi kode untuk memastikan bahwa itu adalah sah, benar terstruktur, memenuhi standar industri dan kompatibel dengan browser, perangkat, atau sistem operasi.
8. Menjaga pemahaman teknologi web saat ini atau praktek pemrograman melalui melanjutkan pendidikan, membaca, atau partisipasi dalam konferensi profesional, workshop, atau kelompok.
9. Menganalisis kebutuhan pengguna untuk menentukan persyaratan teknis.
10. Mengembangkan atau memvalidasi tes routine dan jadwal untuk memastikan bahwa uji kasus meniru antarmuka eksternal dan alamat semua jenis browser dan perangkat.
6. IT Project Managers
Job Descriptions:
1. Mengembangkan dan mengelola work breakdown structure (WBS) proyek teknologi informasi.
2. Mengembangkan atau memperbarui rencana proyek untuk proyek-proyek teknologi informasi termasuk informasi seperti tujuan proyek, teknologi, sistem, spesifikasi informasi, jadwal, dana, dan staf.
3. Mengelola pelaksanaan proyek untuk memastikan kepatuhan terhadap anggaran, jadwal, dan ruang lingkup.
4. Menyiapkan laporan status proyek dengan mengumpulkan, menganalisis, dan meringkas informasi dan tren.
5. Menetapkan tugas, tanggung jawab, dan rentang kewenangan kepada personil proyek.
6. Mengkoordinasikan rekrutmen atau pemilihan personil proyek.
7. Mengembangkan dan mengelola anggaran tahunan untuk proyek-proyek teknologi informasi.
8. Mengembangkan rencana pelaksanaan yang mencakup analisis seperti biaya-manfaat atau laba atas investasi.
9. Secara langsung atau mengkoordinasikan kegiatan personil proyek.
10. Menetapkan dan melaksanakan rencana komunikasi proyek.
7. Computer Systems Engineers
Job Descriptions:
1. Berkomunikasi dengan staf atau klien untuk memahami persyaratan sistem tertentu.
2. Memberikan saran pada biaya proyek, konsep desain, atau perubahan desain.
3. Dokumen desain spesifikasi, petunjuk instalasi, dan sistem informasi terkait lainnya.
4. Verifikasi stabilitas, interoperabilitas, portabilitas, keamanan, atau skalabilitas arsitektur sistem.
5. Berkolaborasi dengan engineer atau pengembang perangkat lunak untuk memilih solusi desain yang tepat atau memastikan kompatibilitas komponen sistem.
6. Mengevaluasi teknologi yang muncul saat ini untuk mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor seperti biaya, portabilitas, kompatibilitas, atau kegunaan.
7. Memberikan bimbingan teknis atau dukungan untuk pembangunan atau tips sistem.
8. Mengidentifikasi sistem data, perangkat keras, atau komponen perangkat lunak yang diperlukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna.
9. Memberikan pedoman untuk menerapkan sistem yang aman untuk pelanggan atau tim instalasi.
10. Memonitor operasi system untuk mendeteksi masalah potensial.
8. Network and Computer Systems Administrators
Job Descriptions:
1. Menjaga dan mengelola jaringan komputer dan lingkungan komputasi terkait termasuk perangkat keras komputer, perangkat lunak sistem, perangkat lunak aplikasi, dan semua konfigurasi.
2. Melakukan backup data dan operasi pemulihan kerusakan.
3. Mendiagnosa, memecahkan masalah, dan menyelesaikan perangkat keras, perangkat lunak, atau jaringan lainnya dan masalah sistem, dan mengganti komponen yang rusak bila diperlukan.
4. Merencanakan, mengkoordinasikan, dan melaksanakan langkah-langkah keamanan jaringan untuk melindungi data, perangkat lunak, dan perangkat keras.
5. Mengkonfigurasikan, memonitor, dan memelihara aplikasi email atau virus software perlindungan.
6. Mengoperasikan master konsol untuk memonitor kinerja sistem komputer dan jaringan, dan untuk mengkoordinasikan komputer akses jaringan dan penggunaan.
7. Memuat rekaman komputer dan disk, dan menginstal perangkat lunak dan kertas printer atau form.
8. Desain, mengkonfigurasi, dan perangkat keras uji komputer, jaringan lunak dan perangkat lunak sistem operasi.
9. Memonitor kinerja jaringan untuk menentukan apakah penyesuaian perlu dibuat, dan untuk menentukan di mana perubahan harus dibuat di masa depan.
10. Berunding dengan pengguna jaringan tentang bagaimana untuk memecahkan masalah sistem yang ada.SimakBaca secara fonetik.
9. Web Administrators
Job Descriptions:
1. Back up atau memodifikasi aplikasi dan data yang terkait untuk menyediakan pemulihan kerusakan.
2. Menentukan sumber halaman web atau masalah server, dan mengambil tindakan untuk memperbaiki masalah tersebut.
3. Meninjau atau memperbarui konten halaman web atau link pada waktu yang tepat, menggunakan tool-tool.
4. Memonitor sistem untuk intrusi atau serangan denial of service, dan melaporkan pelanggaran keamanan untuk personil yang tepat.
5. Menerapkan langkah-langkah keamanan situs web, seperti firewall atau enkripsi pesan.
6. Mengelola internet / intranet infrastruktur, termasuk komponen seperti web, file transfer protocol (FTP), berita dan server mail.
7. Berkolaborasi dengan tim pengembangan untuk membahas, menganalisis, atau menyelesaikan masalah kegunaan.
8. Test backup atau pemulihan rencana secara teratur dan menyelesaikan masalah.
9. Memonitor perkembangan web melalui pendidikan berkelanjutan, membaca, atau partisipasi dalam konferensi profesional, workshop, atau kelompok.
10. Menerapkan update, upgrade, dan patch pada waktu yang tepat untuk membatasi hilangnya layanan.
10. Computer Security Specialists
Job Descriptions:
1. Mengenkripsi transmisi data dan membangun firewall untuk menyembunyikan informasi rahasia seperti sedang dikirim dan untuk menahan transfer digital tercemar.
2. Mengembangkan rencana untuk melindungi file komputer terhadap modifikasi disengaja atau tidak sah, perusakan, atau pengungkapan dan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pengolahan data darurat.
3. Meninjau pelanggaran prosedur keamanan komputer dan mendiskusikan prosedur dengan pelanggar untuk memastikan pelanggaran tidak terulang kembali.
4. Memonitor penggunakan file data dan mengatur akses untuk melindungi informasi dalam file komputer.
5. Monitor laporan saat ini dari virus komputer untuk menentukan kapan untuk memperbarui sistem perlindungan virus.
6. Memofifikasi keamanan file komputer untuk memasukkan software baru, memperbaiki kesalahan, atau mengubah status akses individu.
7. Melakukan penilaian risiko dan melaksanakan tes pengolahan data sistem untuk memastikan fungsi pengolahan data kegiatan dan langkah-langkah keamanan.
8. Berunding dengan pengguna untuk membahas isu-isu seperti akses data komputer kebutuhan, pelanggaran keamanan, dan perubahan pemrograman.
9. Melatih pengguna dan meningkatkan kesadaran keamanan untuk memastikan keamanan sistem dan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi server dan jaringan.
10. Mengkoordinasikan pelaksanaan rencana sistem komputer dengan personil pendirian dan vendor luar.
Rabu, 15 Mei 2019
yo wazzup its ya boi Bolky
so my English Business lecturer gave me this question "why are you deserved to get A for this subject ?" well my answer is i am not worthy
so my English Business lecturer gave me this question "why are you deserved to get A for this subject ?" well my answer is i am not worthy
the real thing is i don't really know the answer for that question. at least i have done my best for this subject,i never skip a class, i've done all the task(even tho i am not sure if i doing it right) , and never overdo the time limit.I hope i can pass this subject with satisfying results
adjective and verbs (softskill b.ing bisnis 2)
1. Rita plays the violin (good/well)
answer : well
reason : because we use adverb "well" to explain the verb "plays"
2. That is an (intense/intensely) novel
answer : intense
reason : because the word "novel" is noun
3. Your cold sounds (terrible/terribly)
answer : terrible
reason : because we use adjective"terrible" to explain the noun "sounds"
4. The table has a (smooth/smoothly) surface
answer :smooth
reason :because we use adjective "smooth" to explain the noun "surface"
5. We don't like to drink (bitter/bitterly) tea
answer :bitter
reason :because we use adjective "bitter" to explain the noun "tea"
answer : well
reason : because we use adverb "well" to explain the verb "plays"
2. That is an (intense/intensely) novel
answer : intense
reason : because the word "novel" is noun
3. Your cold sounds (terrible/terribly)
answer : terrible
reason : because we use adjective"terrible" to explain the noun "sounds"
4. The table has a (smooth/smoothly) surface
answer :smooth
reason :because we use adjective "smooth" to explain the noun "surface"
5. We don't like to drink (bitter/bitterly) tea
answer :bitter
reason :because we use adjective "bitter" to explain the noun "tea"
Jumat, 26 April 2019
from PIK Mangrove forest and beyond (Softskill b.inggris bisnis 2)
yo wazzup its ya boi Bolky
i wanna tell you about my holiday to pantai indah kapuk mangrove forest with my friends on 20 February 2019, it was 2 month past 7 days ago
on February 19,me, andrika, aqira, bowo, husnul, jodi,and olin are planning in our multi-chat what time we will go to the meet up point in cawang station, so we decide the one who goes from bogor will departure at 8 am and the one from depok will go around 9 am,and bowo will pick us up in cawang station around 10 am.
when we meet up in cawang , husnul,olin,and i found jodi come from bogor alone, he tell us that andrika can't come because his phone is broken and he went to fix it. so we sit and wait until aqira and bowo to pick us up with his car.
(this is us in mangrove forest im the one in white cap)
Upon arrival, we immediately took pictures and walking around the forest,we stop at some kind of bridge and rest and take some photo there. There is not much people there because we go in week days,then we start walking around again for about 1 hour then we stop at the canteen to buy some drinks.we stroll around there for about 2 and half hour after that I don't plan to go elsewhere after this, neither my friends so back to bowo's car and drive around pantai indah kapuk sightseeing around.then i tell bowo to drive trough that bridge to island above PIK on my map.then we stop at nearby restaurant for lunch.after lunch we don't know where to go and improvise to go some where else randomly.at the end we stop at nearby cafe and drink some coffee.
(me and my friend's at the bridge)
that's the end of my story. i have a lot of fun and story's i can't describe it. thanks to my friend's for a fun trip and i hope we can go some where else a again next time.
i wanna tell you about my holiday to pantai indah kapuk mangrove forest with my friends on 20 February 2019, it was 2 month past 7 days ago
on February 19,me, andrika, aqira, bowo, husnul, jodi,and olin are planning in our multi-chat what time we will go to the meet up point in cawang station, so we decide the one who goes from bogor will departure at 8 am and the one from depok will go around 9 am,and bowo will pick us up in cawang station around 10 am.
when we meet up in cawang , husnul,olin,and i found jodi come from bogor alone, he tell us that andrika can't come because his phone is broken and he went to fix it. so we sit and wait until aqira and bowo to pick us up with his car.
(this is us in mangrove forest im the one in white cap)
Upon arrival, we immediately took pictures and walking around the forest,we stop at some kind of bridge and rest and take some photo there. There is not much people there because we go in week days,then we start walking around again for about 1 hour then we stop at the canteen to buy some drinks.we stroll around there for about 2 and half hour after that I don't plan to go elsewhere after this, neither my friends so back to bowo's car and drive around pantai indah kapuk sightseeing around.then i tell bowo to drive trough that bridge to island above PIK on my map.then we stop at nearby restaurant for lunch.after lunch we don't know where to go and improvise to go some where else randomly.at the end we stop at nearby cafe and drink some coffee.
(me and my friend's at the bridge)
that's the end of my story. i have a lot of fun and story's i can't describe it. thanks to my friend's for a fun trip and i hope we can go some where else a again next time.
Tugas Meeting 5 - 8 softskill bahasa inggris bisnis 2
4KA16 (MEETING 5-8)
Task 1 (Affirmative Agreement)
Direction: supply the correct form of the verb for the simple statement in each of the following sentences. Elaborate your reason.
1 Rose likes to fly, and her brother ______ too.
Answer: Does
Reason : Because the subject is HE
2 They will leave at noon, and I _______ too.
Answer : Will
Reason :Because there is a composite verb in the main clause
3 Their plane is arriving at nine o’clock, and so ______ mine.
Answer : Is
Reason : there is a to be in the main clause
4 I should go grocery shopping this afternoon, and so _______ my neighbour.
Answer : Should
Reason : because there is a composite verb in the main clause
5 Our English teacher loves to travel, and so ________ we.
Answer : do
Reason : because the subject us we or our
Task 2 (Negative Agreement)
Direction: fill in the blanks with the correct form of either or neither. Elaborate your reason.
1 The children shouldn’t take that medicine, and _______ should she.
Answer :neither
Reason :because the second clause is should
2 I don’t like plan to attend the concert, and ______ do they.
Answer :neither
Reason : because the second clause is do
3 The Yankess couldn’t play due to the bad weather, and ______ could the Angels.
Answer :neither
Reason : Because the second clause is could
4 Mary can’t type well, and her sister can’t ______.
Answer :either
Reason : Because the second clause is can
5 They won’t have to work on weekends, and we won’t ______.
Answer :either
Reason : Because the second clause is won't
Task 3
Direction: identify the one underlined word or phrase that would not be acceptable in standard written English. Elaborate your reason.
1 He isn’t driving to the convention in March, and neither they are.
Answer :neither they are
Reason : after neither follow by positive auxiliary/be and then the subject
2 Catherine is studying law at the university, and so does John.
Answer :so does john
Reason : because there is only to be in the main clause
3 Because they have moved away, they hardly never go to the beach anymore.
Answer :Hardly never
Reason : because the sentence is a negative sentence
4 Mary and her sister studied biology last year, and so does Jean.
Answer :so does jean
Reason : because it should be used did
5 George has not completed the assignment yet, and Maria hasn’t neither.
Answer :hasn’t neither
Reason : because it should be use either.
Selasa, 02 April 2019
Soft skill B.Inggris bisnis 2
Directions: The first type of question consists of incomplete sentences, with a blank line showing where information is to be filled in. Choose the word or phrase that most correctly completes the sentence. The second type of question consists of sentences with four underlined words or phrases. Choose the one word or phrase that is incorrect in standard written English. Explain your reason of choosing the correct answer.
1. The rain forest, __________ large trees that provide shade to the vegetation below, is home to unique flora and fauna.
A. has
B. with its
C. and
D. although has
Reason : because there is a comma between forest and is home, so it becomes an explanatory sentence and cannot use the subject.
2. Despite the polar bear’s tremendous weight and height, __________ of sprinting at tremendous speed.
A. it is capable
B. is capable
C. it is able
D. ability
Reason : because that is adjectives + prepositions followed by gerund (verbs as complements).
3. Having multiple sclerosis has diminished Mr. Wilson’s physical condition, but his ability to maintain a positive attitude and continue working an inspiration.
Reason : working an is a wrong sentence because there is no verb between the first clause and the second clause. the verb used should be "was inspiration."
4. The huge increase in popularity of specialty coffees contribution to the success of Starbucks, Barney’s and other coffee purveyors.
Reason : contribution is a wrong sentence. the sentence requires a verb that is "has contributed."
5. Patients on Interferon are advised __________, so that they can sleep through the night without noticing the flu-like symptoms that are characteristic of the drug.
A. just before going to sleep to inject themselves
B. to inject themselves just before going to sleep
C. to inject just before going to sleep themselves
D. injecting themselves just before going to sleep
Reason : advice is a sentence followed by to infinitive, not gerund. the sequence of sentences is s + v + complement + modifier.
6. After it had conclude work on the budget, the legislature adjourned until the next session.
Reason : the wrong sentence is conclude . because past perfect has the structure of had + v3 (concluded).
7. Even when awarded a scholarship, a student generally must still paying for books, living expenses, and other costs.
Reason : the wrong word is paying. because after modals is used verb 1 (pay).
8. The U.S. government, along with a number of states, is fight a protracted legal battle with tobacco companies in order to obtain relief for the huge medical costs caused by smoking.
Reason : should use verb + ing (fighting).
9. The leaders of the two countries __________ an agreement to avoid future conflicts.
A. have recently reach
B. recently reach
C. have reached recently
D. have recently reached
Reason : the reason using have recently reach because it is Present Perfect Tenses.
10. The teachers are expecting to call tomorrow a meeting in order to review the disciplinary problems.
Reason : tomorrow a meeting is the wrong word. A meeting tomorrow should be used due to the formula s + v + complement(meeting) + modifier (tomorrow).
Task 2
Directions: The first type of question consists of incomplete sentences, with a blank line showing where information is to be filled in. Choose the word or phrase that most correctly completes the sentence. Explain your reason of choosing the correct answer.
1. The oncologist studied the results of the biopsy and decided __________ additional tests.
A. should order
B. to order
C. he should ordering
D. ordering
Reason : the reason using to order because it is verbs that are always followed by infinitive (verb as complements).
2. Knowing how to repair and install computer networks __________ Melissa a great advantage in her job, because she is the only person in the company with that knowledge.
A. have given B. given C. giving D. has given
Reason : the reason using has given because it is present perfect tense and knowing is a gerund so the correct verb is has given.
Task 3
Directions: Correct the sentence. Explain your reason of choosing the correct answer.
3. The disagreement is between we.
Reason : the correct sentence is “the disagreement between you and me” because us is an object pronoun.
4. She is known for herself contributions to art.
Reason : the correct sentence is “she is known for her contributions to art” because possessive adjectives should be used.
5. After a difficult ordeal, her and Robert felt great relief.
Reason : the correct sentence is “after a difficult ordeal, she and robert felt great relief”. the subject pronoun should be used to replace the subject from the clause.
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